In 2012, the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies (CAPS) moved its administrative and organizational home from the Office of Research, Innovation, and Graduate Education (RIGE, now Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation OVPRI) to the Office of International Affairs (now Division of Global Engagement, DGE). CAPS is an internationally oriented academic center that coordinates and supports research, programming, curricular innovation, and outreach on Asia and the Pacific. It is one of our oldest and most prestigious units in the international arena at the University of Oregon (UO). CAPS serves constituencies across campus, from every School and College. In 2012, CAPS joined other units with complementary missions in the Global Studies Institute within DGE. CAPS’ mission is to promote understanding of the Asia-Pacific region, and its primary aim is to foster collaborative and individual research engaging Asia-interested scholars from the UO, the nation, and around the world. The Center is distinctive in terms of its geographic scope with programmatic focus on East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia, and the Pacific Islands. CAPS has many service-oriented functions, which are showcased in this graphic:
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The Center for Asian and Pacific Studies is a Member of:
American Institute of Pakistan Studies
American Institute of Indian Studies
American Institute of Bangladesh Studies
Japan-America Society of Oregon