
Degree Programs:

The Center is not a degree-granting organization. For more information about degrees related to the study of Asia at the University of Oregon, please contact the Asian Studies Program or the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures.

Other departments with strength in Asia and the Pacific include:
Art History
International Studies
Political Science
Religious Studies

Current and Recent Conferences and Workshops:

East Asian Popular Culture Workshop (August 2016)
South Asia Conference of the Pacific Northwest (SACPAN) (February 2016)
Symposium: “Chinese Culture on a Global Stage (October 2015)
Traditional Korean Religion and Art in East Asian Perspectives (October 2015)
Japanese and Korean Mediascapes: Youth, Popular Culture, and Nation (May 2015)
Ancient China: Texts, Traditions and Transformations
(February 2015)
Engaging with Vietnam Conference (November 2014)
China-in-Asia Conference: Historical Connections and Contemporary Engagement (October 2014)
Conference: Comparative Historical Ecology in Ancient Northwest Asia (October 2014)
Picturing Global China: Contemporary Art from Shanghai and Beyond (October 2013)
Foodways in China: New Scholarly Trajectories (May 2013)
China and the Restructuring of International Political Economy (April 2013)
The 23rd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-23 – June 2011)
“Modern Girls on the Go: Gender, Mobility, and Labor in Japan” Conference (January 2010)
“Infinite Worlds: The Cultural Biography of Chinese Classical Gardens” Workshop (April 2010)
“Nara, City of East Asia: Cosmopolitianism and Localism in 8th Century Japan” Symposium (April 2010)
“International Conference on Nuclear Weapons and the Security of Korea and East Asia” (May 2010)
“Documenting Taiwan on Film: Methods and Issues in New Documentaries” Workshop (July 2009)
“Social Complexity in the Centers and Frontiers in Northern China” Workshop (February 2009)
“The Physician Manase Dosan (1507-1594): An International Workshop on Medical Texts and Sino-Japanese Writings in Early Modern Japan” (August 2008)

Current and Recent Grant and Special Projects:

Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design Group
Akita International University-UO Summer Program

UO-Karakoram International University Partnership (KIU)
U.S. Department of Education National Resource Center for East Asian Studies
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Title VI Grant
US Department of State UO-Karakoram International University Partnership
UO-Shanghai Xian Dai Architecture Exchange
Freeman Internship Fellowships in Asia
Jeremiah Lecture Series
Myung Sup Lim Lecture Series in Korean Studies
US-China Relations in Science and Technology and the Challenges Ahead
Business and International Education – Engaging China: History, Culture, Politics

Asia-Pacific Resources at the University of Oregon:

“Altay” Joint Mongolian / American / Russian Project
Center for Applied Second Language Studies
ChinaVine: A Collaborative Effort in the Preservation of Folk Art
The Chinese scroll Colorful Lanterns at Shangyuan CD Project
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
The Knight Library East Asia Collection
Micronesia and South Pacific Program
Oregon Chinese Flagship Program
Japan Global Scholars Program
Pacific Islands Studies
South Asian Studies
The Yamada Language Center