Kanbun Workshop

“The Physician Manase Dosan

An International Workshop on Medical Texts and Sino-Japanese Writings in Early Modern Japan

Workshop Schedule


“Patient Records and Manase Gensaku’s Igaku Tenshoki.”
Andrew Goble, University of Oregon

“Aging and Longevity in the Rôjinmon section of Manase Dôsan’s Keitekushû.”
Ed Drott, Dartmouth College

“Health and Sexual Practices as Seen in the Kôso Myôron.”
Machi Senjûrô, Nishô Gakusha University

“The Manase School and the Culture of Publishing in the Early Edo Period.”
Kosoto Hiroshi, Kitasato University

“Portraiture and the Manase School.”
Machi Senjûrô and Kosoto Hiroshi.

“Manase Dôsan in Tale Literature.”
Fukuda Yasunori, Ehime University

“Culture and Arts in Dôsan’s Era: Some Reflections on Tea and Incense.”
Ikeda Yôko, independent scholar.

“Kanbun Resources: Interpretingg Manase Dôsan’s Handwritten Manuscripts.”
Machi Senjûrô, Nishô Gakusha University

“Kanbun Resources: Interpreting Medical Information in Diaries.”
Andrew Goble, University of Oregon

Discussion and Evaluation

All sessions will be held in McKenzie Hall, Room 375.

This event is co-sponsored by the Nisho Gakusha University Center of Excellence (COE) Program and the University of Oregon’s Center for Asian and Pacific Studies. Financial support is provided by Nishogakusha COE, the Yoko McClain Faculty Endowment Fund, the Office of International Programs, the Oregon Humanities Center, the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, and the Departments of History and Art History. For more info, please call 346-1521.

Taiwan Documentaries Conference

The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures and the Center for Asian and
Pacific Studies Present

Documenting Taiwan on Film:
Methods and Issues in New Documentaries

Workshop and Film Screenings

July 6 – 8, 2009
University of Oregon

These events are free and open to the public. For more info, please call 346-1521.

Day One: Monday, July 6, 2009

Session I:

Daw-ming Lee, “History in the Remaking: The Making of Taiwan – A People’s History.” (Graduate Institute of Filmmaking, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan)

10:15-10:30 – Coffee break

Sylvia Li-chun Lin, “Recreating the White Terror on Screen” (University of Notre Dame)

Session II:

Kuei-fen Chiu, “Media Technologies and the Making of the Human Subject in Contemporary Taiwanese Documentary Films” (Chung-hsing University, Taiwan)

Bert Scruggs, “Longing for Authenticity and the Question of Indigenization: Exploring Yan Lanquan and Zhuang Yiceng’s Wu mi le (Let it Be)” (University of California, Irvine)

15:30-15:45 – Coffee break

Hsiu-Chuang Deppman, “The Politics of Seeing in Jump, Boys!” (Oberlin College, USA)

Film Screenings; Q & A with Director Mayaw Biho (Willamette Hall, Room 110)
“Children in Heaven” (14 min.)
“As Life, As Pacang” (26 min.)
“Carry the Paramount of Jade Mountain on My Back” (46 min.)

Day Two: Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Session III:

Christopher Lupke, “Documenting Political Dissent: The Gongliao Fourth Nuclear Reactor as Example” (Washington State University, USA)

10:15-10:30 – Coffee break

Li-hsin Kuo, “Sentimentalism and the Bent for Collective ‘Inward-looking’: A Preliminary Analysis of Mainstream Taiwanese Documentary” (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)

Session IV:

Tze-lan Deborah Sang, “Imagining Global Modernity through Taiwanese Documentary Films” (EALL, University of Oregon)

Guo-Juin Hong, “Voices and Their Discursive Dis/Content in New Taiwan Documentary” (Duke University, USA)

15:30-15:45 – Coffee break

15:45-17:00 – Roundtable Discussion
Commentator: Sharon Sherman (English, University of Oregon)

19:00-21:30 – Film screenings; Q & A with director Mayaw Biho (Willamette Hall, Room 110)
“Dear Rice Wine, You Are Defeated” (26 min.)
“National Bandit: A Beautiful Mistake” (56 min.)
Excerpts from Malakacaway (“The Rice Wine Filler,” 70 min.)

Film Summaries

Children of Heaven (1997/14 min./Betacam)
Underneath the Sanying Bridge lies a shantytown of indigenous people. Every year they are charged with violating the Water Law and forcibly removed from the houses they have built. Nevertheless, after the houses are torn down, the residents return to the same place and build their simple huts again. This process has repeated itself numerous times over the course of many years. For the residents and their children, their routine seems like “playing house.” Yet the question of indigenous people’s right of abode remains unresolved.

As Life, As Pangcah (1998/28 min./Betacam)
A calm, reflective oral history results from this intimate dialogue between a 93-year-old Pangcah tribal chieftain and an indigenous filmmaker. Through word and song, the elder recounts the ways of the Pangcah and his frustrated attempts to defend traditional culture against Taiwan’s encroaching modernity.

Carry the Paramount of Jade Mountain on My Back (2002/46 min./Betacam)
Jade Mountain is Taiwan’s highest peak. For decades, the Tungpu Bunun aborigines have been hired as guides and porters by city-dwelling mountaineers who wish to conquer Jade Mountain. This documentary records their unique contribution to mountain climbing in Taiwan.

Dear Rice Wine, You are Defeated (1998/24 min./Betacam)
In Taiwan, younger members of the Pangcah tribe question the centuries-old tradition of Pacakat – the drinking of powerful rice wine to mark the advancement in rank in their community. While the observance of Pacakat can be dangerous, it also celebrates Pangcah tribal identity.

National Bandits: A Beautiful Mistake (2000/56 min./Betacam)
The elderly Bununs of Tung-Pu have habitually referred to workers at the Vu Mountain National Park as “national bandits” instead of “national park employees.” In the eyes of these old Bununs, the designation of this land as national park has robbed them of most of their ancestral territories, leaving only a very small portion for them to live and farm on. In April 1999, the Ministry of Interior began plans for another National Park called Nun-Dan. This time, the people of multiple tribes refused to be silent.

Malakacaway–The Rice Wine Filler (2009/70min.) The Pangcah people live along the east coast of Taiwan facing the Pacific Ocean. Some Pangcah tribes have been able to keep their traditional culture and ways of living, the most famous example being the Makutaay Tribe. They hold Ilisin (Annual Ceremony) the traditional way every year. The most challenging job belongs to a group of men called “Malakacaway,” who are responsible for fundraising, rice-collecting, accounting, and most importantly and painfully, Patakit (toasting everyone with rice wine over and over again during the five-day ceremony). This is how the Makutaay tribe trains its youngsters to become mature members of the tribe.

2006-07 Events


Friday, April 13, 2007
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Dying on Principle: The Claims and Renunciations of Suicide Bombing”
Faisal Devji, Department of History, The New School for Social Research
Lillis Hall, Room 211
4:00 pm

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Public Lecture
“An Ethics of Reading the Environment in Postcolonial Fiction”
Sangeeta Ray, Department of English, University of Maryland
Lillis Hall, Room 185
4:00 pm

Thursday, May 3, 2007
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Scandalous Sentiments: Improper Desires and Inconvenient Resentments in the Demise of an Elite Chinese Family”
Janet Theiss, Department of History, University of Utah
Lillis Hall, Room 132
4:00 pm

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Miike Takashi vs. Tsukamoto Shinya: Main Event in Japan’s Genre Film Arena?”
Tom Mes, Independent Film Scholar/Journalist & Founder of MidnightEye.com
Lillis Hall, Room 182
7:00 pm

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“China: Rebalancing Economic Growth”
Nicholas Lardy, Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics
Lillis Hall, Room 282
5:00 pm


Thursday, January 11, 2007
Korean Film Series
Take Care of My Cat (2001 – 112 min)
Director: Jae-eun Jeong
International Resource Center, EMU
7:00 pm

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“The Horror of Globalization”
Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, East Asian Studies, New York University
Knight Library Browsing Room
4:00 pm

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Korean Film Series
Peppermint Candy (1999 – 129 min)
Director: Lee Chang-dong
International Resource Center, EMU
7:00 pm

Thursday, January 25, 2007
Korean Film Series
A State of Mind (2004 – 93 min)
Director: Daniel Gordon
International Resource Center, EMU
7:00 pm

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Korean Film Series
Chi-hwa-seon (2002 – 116 min)
Director: Kwon-taek Im
6:00 pm
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

Thursday, February 1, 2007
Korean Film Series
Chi-hwa-seon (2002 – 116 min)
Director: Kwon-taek Im
International Resource Center, EMU
7:00 pm

Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Korean Speaker Series
“Art and Politics: Picasso’s Korean War paintings and Abstract Art of Korea and Japan, 1950’s-1960’s”
Young-Mok Chung, Chair, Department of Painting and Art Theory, College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University; Visiting Scholar, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, University of Oregon
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art – Lecture Hall
4:00 pm

Thursday, February 8, 2007
Korean Film Series
Shiri (1999 – 125 min)
Director: Je-gyu Kang
International Resource Center, EMU
7:00 pm

Friday, February 9, 2007
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“From Area Studies to Cultural Studies: A Commentary on Paradigm Shifts in Research of Cultures”
Liu Kang, Professor of Chinese Cultural Studies, Duke University
Lillis Hall, Room 132
4:00 pm (please note the time for this event has changed from 3 pm to 4 pm)

Thursday, February 15, 2007
Korean Film Series
Oldboy (2004 – 120 min)
Director: Chan-wook Park
International Resource Center, EMU
7:00 pm

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Korean Film Series
The Isle (2000 – 89 min)
Director: Ki-duk Kim
International Resource Center – EMU
7:00 pm

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Burma’s Indigenous Peoples: A Human Rights and Environmental Crisis”
Edith Mirante, Director of “Project Maje” and author of Down the Rat Hole: Adventures Underground on Burma’s Frontiers
Many Nations Longhouse
4:00 pm

Thursday, March 1, 2007
Korean Film Series
Joint Security Area (JSA) (2000 – 110 min)
Director: Chan-wook Park
International Resource Center, EMU
7:00 pm

Thursday, March 8, 2007
Korean Film Series
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring (2003 – 103 min)
Director: Ki-duk Kim
International Resource Center, EMU
7:00 pm

Monday, March 12, 2007
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Hegemony Outsourced: The United States, India and the Struggle for Asian Architecture”
Siddharth Varadarajan, Associate Editor, The Hindu
Knight Library Browsing Room
4:00 pm


Thursday, March 15, 2007
Korean Film Series
3-Iron (2004 – 88 min)
Director: Ki-duk Kim (II)
International Resource Center, EMU
7:00 pm


Friday, October 6, 2006
CAPS/Asian Studies Welcome Reception
Knight Library Browsing Room
3:00 – 5:00 pm

Monday, October 16, 2006
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Kamishibai: the Construction of Space and the National Imaginary in Modernizing Japan”
Sharalyn Orbaugh, Associate Professor of Asian Studies and Women’s Studies, University of British Columbia
Knight Library Browsing Room
4:00 pm

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 – revised
“Archaeological Surveys and Exploration in the Northwest Frontier Provinces, Pakistan”
Dr. Ihsan Ali, Vice Chancellor, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan
204 Condon Hall
3:30 pm

Thursday, November 16, 2006
“The North Korean Nuclear Test and Northeast Asian Security”
Mel Gurtov, Professor of Political Science and International Studies, Portland State University
McKenzie Hall, Room 221
7:30 PM

A public lecture followed by a discussion with Richard P. Suttmeier, Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon; Heung Ho Moon, Professor of Political Science, Hanyang University; and Jinwoo Choi, Professor of Political Science, Hanyang University

Professor Gurtov, a Senior Fulbright Scholar in South Korea in 1994, is editor-in-chief of Asian Perspective, an international quarterly journal published in Seoul, and author of several books, including Pacific Asia? Prospects for Security and Cooperation in East Asia.

This event is presented by the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies and is free an open to the public. Support has also been provided by Hanyang University and the Admiral David E. Jeremiah and Mrs. Connie Jeremiah Speaker Fund. For more information, please call (541) 346-1521.

Friday, November 17, 2006
“Korean-Chinese Migrant Workers and Re-definition of Koreanness”
Jungmin Seo, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa
McKenzie Hall, Room 375
3:30 pm
This talk is cosponsored by the Department of Political Science.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Brown Bag Talk
“New Developments in the Korean Governance for Science and Technology Policy”
Hyun Suk Cho, Department of Public Administration at Seoul National University of Technology
CAPS Seminar Room (103 Gerlinger Hall)
12:00 pm


Past Events, Listed by Academic Year



2008-09 Events

July 6 – 8, 2009
Documenting Taiwan on Film: Methods and Issues in New Documentaries
Workshop and Film Screenings
At the University of OregonThese events are free and open to the public. For a complete schedule, please click here.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Panel Discussion
“Retrospectives on Tiananmen:  Two Decades Later”
Knight Library Browsing Room
7:00 pmPanel Participants:
Bryna Goodman, Department of History
David Li, Department of English
Richard Suttmeier, Department of Political Science
Tuong Vu, Department of Political Science
Friday, May 29, 2009
Brown Bag Talk
“Water Pollution Control Issues in China”
Zhuoni Wang, PhD Candidate, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China; Courtesy Research Assistant, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, University of Oregon
Gerlinger Hall, Room 103 (CAPS Seminar Room)
12:00 pm
Friday, May 15, 2009
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Male Friendship and Male Homosexuality in Late Imperial China”
Martin Huang, Professor, East Asian Languages & Literature, University of California at Irvine
Lillis Hall, Room 175
3:30 pm
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Transforming an Urban Informal Settlement in an Asian Mega City: The Work of the Orangi Pilot Project, Karachi.”
Arif Hasan, Architect and Planner; Visiting Professor of Architecture and Planning, University of Karachi in Pakistan
Knight Library Browsing Room
3:30 pm
Friday, April 17, 2009
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“The Japanese Community of Shanghai: The First Generation, 1862-1895”
Joshua Fogel, Canada Research Chair and Professor, History Department, York University
McKenzie Hall, Room 375
3:30 pm
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Department of History Pierson Lecture Series
“The Precious Raft of History: The Past, the West, and the Woman Question in China”
Joan Judge, Associate Professor, Division of Humanities/School of Women’s Studies, York University
McKenzie Hall, Room 229
3:30 pm
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
“Humiliate-able Bodies: Rape in Wartime Propaganda Cartoons of the Sino-Japanese War”
Louise Edwards, Director, China Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia
Knight Library Browsing Room
3:30 pm
Thursday, March 5, 2009
“South Asian Models: New Strategies for Book History in the 21st Century”
Abhijit Gupta, Reader in English, Jadavpur University; Fulbright Senior Research Fellow, University of California at Riverside
EMU Maple Room
3:00 pm
Thursday, February 26, 2009
“How to Write a Woman’s Life Into and Out of History: The Case of Wang Zhaoyuan (1763-1851)”
Dr. Harriet Zurndorfer, Sinological Institute, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Knight Library Browsing Room
4:00 pm
Friday, February 20, 2009
Workshop: “Social Complexities in the Centers and Frontiers in Northern China”
Education Room, Museum of Natural and Cultural History
9:00 am – 3:00 pmFor a complete program, please click here.
November 18, 2009
Impacts and Aftermath of the Cambodian Genocide
Mills International Center, EMU
5:30 – 7:00 pm
October 23 – 25, 2008
Taiwan Film Festival
For a complete schedule, please click here.
Thursday, October 16,2008
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Border Crossing and the Woman Writer: The Case of Gui Maoyi (1765-1835/6)”
Ellen Widmer, Edith Stix Wasserman Professor of East Asian Studies, Wellesley College
Thursday, October 16,2008
Jeremiah Lecture Series
”What is Buddhist Philosophy?”
M. David Eckel, Distinguished Teaching Professor of the Humanities, Boston University
Knight Library Browsing Room
4:00 pm 

Friday, October 10, 2008

CAPS/Asian Studies Annual Reception
Knight Library Browsing Room
4:00 – 5:30 pm*A meeting with the new Dean of CAS, Scott Coltrane and the Associate Dean for Social Sciences, Larry Singell, will precede the reception. It will be held in the Knight Library Administration Office, Room 115 at 3:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to speak with them about the future of Asian Studies, your wishes, concerns, etc.
August 25-29, 2008
“The Physician Manase Dosan (1507-1594): An International Workshop on Medical Texts and Sino-Japanese Writings in Early Modern Japan”
McKenzie Hall, Room 375This event is co-sponsored by the Nisho Gakusha University Center of Excellence (COE) Program and the University of Oregon’s Center for Asian and Pacific Studies. Financial support is provided by Nishogakusha COE, the Yoko McClain Faculty Endowment Fund, the Office of International Programs, the Oregon Humanities Center, the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, and the Departments of History and Art History.For a complete program, please click here.

Past Events, Listed by Academic Year



2005-06 Events

2005-06 Events


Monday, July 31, 2006

Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Deep Listening, Deep Hearing: Buddhism and Psychotherapy East & West”
Dr. Jan Chozen Bays, M.D., Abbot, Great Vow Zen Monastery
Gerlinger Lounge
7:00 pm


Thursday, April 6, 2006

Korea Speaker Series – Brown Bag talk
“High-Tech Ventures in Korea”
Moonhyun Nam, Reporter, Seoul Economic Daily; Visiting Scholar, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies
103 Gerlinger Hall
12:00 pm

Friday, April 14, 2006

China Speaker Series – Engaging China: History, Culture, Politics
“Why Ancient China Just Never Goes Away”
Steve Durrant, Professor of Chinese Literature; Acting Associate Dean of Humanities, University of Oregon
Lillis Hall, Room 212
12:00 pm

This talk is cosponsored by the Lundquist College of Business.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Korea Speaker Series
“Our Nation: A Korean Punk Rock Community” Lecture and Documentary Showing
Dr. Stephen Epstein, Director, Asian Studies Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Lillis Hall, Room 111
4:00 pm

The rise of a new youth subculture in the Republic of Korea is an outgrowth of dramatic changes occurring there in the 1990’s. The country elected its first civilian president, it experienced new prosperity, and became increasingly exposed to Western influences. Young Koreans became exposed to the internet and a steady stream of new musical influences. Our Nation is a stunning portrayal of how Korean youth are using punk rock to find their voices in a rapidly changing culture.

This talk is cosponsored by the Oregon Humanities Center and the Asian Studies Program.

Friday, April 21, 2006

China Speaker Series – Engaging China: History, Culture, Politics
“Let the Best Win. Ritual, Performance, and Competition in Chinese History”
Ina Asim, Associate Professor of History, University of Oregon
Lillis Hall, Room 212
12:00 pm

This talk is cosponsored by the Lundquist College of Business.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Lovers, Talkers, Monsters, and Good Women: Contrasting Images from 16th-Century Chinese Epitaphs and Fiction.”
Katherine Carlitz, Assistant Director for Academic Affairs, Asian Studies Center; Adjunct Professor, Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures, University of Pittsburgh
Knight Library Browsing Room
3:30 pm

Monday, May 1, 2006

Jeremiah Lecture Series
“The City and the Citizen: Forms in Bombay and Bengal in the 50s Cinema”
Moinak Biswas, Department of Film Studies, Jadavpur University, Calcutta
Knight Library Browsing Room
4:00 pm

Moinak Biswas writes on Indian cinema and culture and has contributed to various journals and anthologies. He edits the Journal of the Moving Image, an annual publication of Jadavpur University, has edited two volumes of Bengali writings by Hemango Biswas, and the forthcoming (April, 2006) Apu and After: Revisiting Rays Cinema (Calcutta: Seagull Books and Oxford: Berg Publishers).

This event is presented by the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies and cosponsored by the CSWS Empire RIG, the Oregon Humanities Center, Asian Studies, Comparative Literature, English, Ethnic Studies, the Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics, and the Center on Race, Ethnicity, and Sexuality Sttdies (CRESS).

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 – EVENT CANCELLED

Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Kamishibai: the Construction of Space and the National Imaginary in Modernizing Japan”
Sharalyn Orbaugh, Associate Professor of Asian Studies and Women’s Studies, University of British Columbia
Lillis Hall, Room 182
4:00 pm

Friday, May 5, 2006

China Speaker Series – Engaging China: History, Culture, Politics
“Transforming the Chinese Economy: The Making of a High Tech Competitor”
Richard P. Suttmeier, Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon
Lillis Hall, Room 212
12:00 pm

This talk is cosponsored by the Lundquist College of Business.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Performing (in) Bali: Kembali, Bali, and Hyper-Bali”
Michael Tenzer, Professor of Music, University of British Columbia
Knight Library Browsing Room
3:00 pm

Bali’s vibrant culture has experienced virtually nonstop accelerated change for a hundred years or more, almost always in conjunction with the phenomenon of cross-cultural interaction. This presentation combines film and discussion to problematize the multidimensional strategies, successes, and compromises that Balinese culture–seen here in terms of its music–has devised to cope with such change, which includes both inward-facing ultra-traditionalism and the upheavals of ongoing interface with others. These videos will be used a springboard for discussing cross-cultural interaction in the Balinese context and how it has changed over time.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Korea Speaker Series – Brown Bag Talk
“Institutional Inertia: The Six Party Talks and the Future of Two Koreas”
Sangbum Shin, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon
159 PLC (Oregon Humanities Center Conference Room)
12:00 pm

Friday, May 19, 2006

China Speaker Series – Engaging China: History, Culture, Politics
“Networked Intelligence for the China Market”
Robert Felsing, East Asian Bibliographer, Knight Library, University of Oregon
Lillis Hall, Room 212
12:00 pm

This talk is cosponsored by the Lundquist College of Business.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Jeremiah Public Lecture
“Candor the World Over: Toward Some Unlikely Connections Between Japanese film, Global Ideology, Health Care and Political Resistance”
Eric Cazdyn, Associate Professor of East Asian Studies, Comparative Literature and Cinema Studies, University of Toronto
Knight Library Browsing Room
4:30 pm

This talk explores a new candor emerging in the world today, one that immediately recognizes the objective logic of global capitalism–how the stunning inequalities in the world (especially around access to life-saving medications) are not the result of capitalism’s failures, but of its successes. One unlikely place where this growing candor is expressed is in contemporary Japanese cinema (in particular, in the work of Tsukamoto Shinya, Miike Takashi, and Kurosawa Kiyoshi). Clinical, imminent, non-referential, and non-moralizing: these directors twist their cold obsession with horror and the wounded body out of the bloody facts of contemporary history–while at the same time seeming to care nothing for the world. But when these insular cinematic obsessions are put near our most radical democratic desires (for global equality and justice), something sparks and fuses with some of the more hopeful political movements in the world today.

Friday,June 2, 2006

China Speaker Series – Engaging China: History, Culture, Politics
“U.S.-China Relations: Is a Rising China a Threat to the U.S.?”
Hua-yu Li, Associate Professor of Political Science, Oregon State University
Lillis Hall, Room 212
12:00 pm

This talk is cosponsored by the Lundquist College of Business.


Monday,January 23, 2006

Jeremiah Public Lecture
“Comparative Study of Religion: Its Relevance to Study of Any One Tradition and to Philosophy of Religion”
Dale Cannon, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Western Oregon University
180 PLC
7:30 pm

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Chinese New Year Celebration and Introduction of the
Chinese Flagship K-16 Academic Director, Madeline Spring
3:30 – 5:30 pm
EMU International Resource Center

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Jeremiah Public Lecture
“Meaning and Mantra: Indic Philosophy of Language in East Asia”
Richard Payne, Dean, Institute of Buddhist Studies, Graduate Theological Union
Gerlinger Lounge
7:30 pm

Monday, February 27, 2006

Phi Beta Kappa Public Lecture
“East and West in the Origins of a Modern World Economy”
Kenneth L. Pomeranz, Chancellor’s Professor of History, University of California, Irvine
180 Prince Lucien Campbell Hall
7:30 pm

Up until the eve of the Industrial Revolution, the more advanced economies in various parts of Eurasia were more similar than we had realized. This, in turn, demands new explanations for the enormous divergence in wealth and power that emerged in the nineteenth century and a new perspective on the old question of “Why was Europe first?”
Friday, March 10, 2006

“China: Its Borderlands and Its Neighbors”
Morris Rossabi, Professor of History, East Asian Institute at Columbia University and
The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Clark Honors College Library – Chapman Hall
3:00 pm

This talk is presented by the Clark Honors College and cosponsored by the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies and the Department of History. For more info, please call 346-3345.

Monday,March 20, 2006

Jeremiah Public Lecture
“Scythe and the City: Exploring Death in 20th Century Shanghai”
Christian Henriot, Fulbright Scholar, Center for Chinese Studies, University of California, Berkeley
375 McKenzie Hall
4:00 pm


Thursday, October 6, 2005

Jeremiah Public Lecture
“Chinese Family Survival Strategies in War and Revolution”
Sherman Cochran, Hu Shih Professor of History, Cornell University
Knight Library Browsing Room
4:00 pm

Friday,October 7, 2005

CAPS/Asian Studies Reception
375 McKenzie Hall
3:00 – 5:00 pm

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Jeremiah Public Lecture
“Pakhtuns and Political Challenges for Pakistan”
Dr. Ghulam Taqi Bangash, Dean, Faculty of Arts & Humanities; Professor, Department of History, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
Rogue River Room (in the EMU, near the food court)
4:00 pm

Pakhtuns have been in the news ever since the Pakhtun-dominated government of the Taliban was ousted by U.S. forces in October 2002. That same month, an Islamist coalition was voted into office in the Pakhtun-dominated Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) that borders Afghanistan in Pakistan. Today, global politics still embroil local politics in the NWFP as Pakistani military forces hunt for terrorists in Pakhtun tribal areas along the border. Professor Bangash will address what the issues are for Pakhtuns in Afghanistan, the NWFP and nearby tribal areas in Pakistan, and the ensuing political challenges these issues create for the government of Pakistan.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Jeremiah Public Lecture
“The Political Landscape of War Memory in Japan”
Franziska Seraphim, Department of History, Boston College
375 McKenzie Hall
3:00 pm

Past Events, Listed by Academic Year




2009-10 Events



Friday, April 9 – Saturday, April 10, 2010
International Workshop
Infinite Worlds: The Cultural Biography of Chinese Classical Gardens
UO White Stag Block Buildings in Portland
For a complete workshop schedule and registration, please click here.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Jeremiah Lecture “Crisis and Reconciliation in Swat”
Dr. Sultan-i-Rome, Professor of Politics and History, Jahanzeb College, Swat, NWFP, Pakistan
Gerlinger Lounge 4:00 pm
Monday, April 19, 2010
“Where is Shanghai? Visual Art and the City”
Lisa Claypool, Associate Professor of Art History and Humanities, Reed College
Mills International Center (EMU)
3:00 pm

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Jeremiah Speaker
“Inequality and Its Enemies in Contemporary China”
Mark Selden, Senior Research Associate in the East Asia Program at Cornell University
Mills International Center (EMU)
3:00 pm
Friday, April 30, 2010
Public Lecture
“Why So Blue?: Mandala Transmission and the Transformation of Eighth-Century Representational Modes”
Cynthea Bogel, University of Washington
Pape Room – Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
5:00 pm
Friday, April 30 – Saturday, May 1, 2010
“Nara, City of East Asia: Cosmopolitanism and Localism in 8th-Century Japan”
Pape Room – Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
9am – 4 pm
For a complete symposium schedule, please click here.

Friday, May 14, 2010
“International Conference on Nuclear Weapons and the Security of Korea and East Asia”
Knight Library Browsing Room
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
For a complete schedule, please click here.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Looking Backward to Go Forward: On Future Korea-U.S. Relations”
Dr. Yang Sung-chul, Chairman, the Kim Dae-jung Peace Foundation Advisory Committee and a Distinguished Professor, Korea University; former Korea Ambassador to the United States, 2000-2003
Knight Library Browsing Room
5:30 pm


Thursday, January 7, 2010
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Kitty on the Go: Japanese Cute as Transborder Fetish”
Christine Yano, University of Hawaii
Knight Library Browsing Room
2:30 pm
Friday, January 8 – Saturday January 9, 2010
Conference: Modern Girls on the Go: Gender, Mobility, and Labor in Japan
For a complete Conference schedule, please click here.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Jeremiah Lecture
“Politics and Passion in Maorist and Post-Mao China”
Ban Wang, Professor Chinese Literature, Stanford University
Mills International Center EMU
3:00 pm

Thursday, January 28, 2010
“Who owns Taiwan
Peng Ming-min, Chairman, Peng Ming-min Foundation
Knight Library Browsing Room
3:30 pm
The talk by Peng Ming-min can be found here.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Music Competitions in Bali: Enlisting the Invisible World to Become Champions of the Visible”
Wayne Vitale, Trotter Visiting Professor, University of Oregon School of Music and Dance
Knight Library Browsing Room
7:00 pm
Monday, February 22, 2010
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Crime and Punishment in China – A History of Penal Systems in the Twentieth  Century”
Klaus Muehlhahn, Professor of History, Indiana University
Knight Library Browsing Room
4:00 pm
Monday, March 15, 2010
Digital China and Social Media

Livestream of New York panel from The Paley Center for Media plus Portland panel discussion
UO White Stag Block Buildings in Portland
3:30 – 6:00 pmFor more information and registration, please click here.This event is cosponsored by the Northwest China Council and the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies.


Thursday, September 24, 2009
Brown Bag talk
“Shamans, Nostalgias, and the IMF: South Korean Popular Religion in Motion”
Laurel Kendall, American Museum of Natural History
159 PLC (OHC Conference Room)
12:00 pm
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Jeremiah Lecture Series
Yomi Braester, Department of Comparative Literature and Program in Cinema Studies, University of Washington
“The Instant City and the Postspatial Turn in Chinese Cinema”
Knight Library Browsing Room
3:00 pm
Thursday, October 22, 2009
CAPS/Asian Studies Annual Reception
Mills International Center (above the EMU Post Office)
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Poetry Reading
“Tiger Tracks: Poetry and Performance from Southwest China”
By Aku Wuwu, Poet and Professor of Yi Studies and Ethnic Minority Literature at the
Southwest Nationalities University in China
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art – Lecture Hall
4:00 pm
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Tilting Toward Quagmire: Afghanistan and Vietnam”
John Prados, Senior Fellow and Project Director, National Security Archive
Knight Library Browsing Room
7:00 pm
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Jeremiah Lecture Series
“Dangerous Amusements: Labor, Sociability and Counterpublic Culture in Hawaii, 1909-1930”
Denise Khor, Lecturer, Department of History, Harvard University
Knight Library Browsing Room
4:00 pm

Past Events, Listed by Academic Year



CAPS Faculty Reading Group

A limited number of grants of $500 will be made to establish CAPS focused reading groups that meet to discuss articles and books on a topic within the CAPS fields. Application must be made by a group of no fewer than three CAPS faculty (one of whom is designated the coordinator of the group.)

The grant is to be used for the reproduction of articles and the purchase of books for group use; it may also be put toward the invitation of speakers. At the end of the academic year, the coordinator of the group is required to submit to CAPS a report on the group’s activities. Applications (including an explanation of the focus of the group and a list of members) are due on October 30th.

To submit a proposal, please click here to complete the online application form.

CAPS Small Professional Grants for Faculty

The Center for Asian and Pacific Studies is offering awards of up to $500 in support of the professional activities of its faculty. Awards will be made for the following purposes: travel to conferences to present papers (once funds from the faculty member’s department have been exhausted), travel to library, museum, and archival collections; and expenses related to book and article production and publication.

To submit a proposal, please click here to complete the online application form.

Applications will be reviewed twice per year. The deadlines for small grant applications are:

Fall: October 30th (for winter and spring projects)

Spring: April 15th (for summer and fall projects)

Awards must be used within one year of the date of the award. Applicants may apply for a CAPS Small Grant before they’ve been accepted to a conference, though their award will be continent upon acceptance confirmation.

No retroactive awards can be made. Successful applicants are asked, after the award has been used, to write a brief letter to CAPS reporting on the completion of the relevant project. Please note: Funds are limited, and graduate student awards are prioritized.


Taiwan Film Festival

Taiwan Film Festival

October 20-22, 2010
Willamette Hall, Room 110

A festival of feature and documentary films, showcasing the finest and most innovative films of Taiwan’s Public Television Service.

Wednesday, October 20

5:45 pm – Birds Without Borders: Black-Faced Spoonbills
Release: 2009 (53 min)
Genre: Documentary
Director: Dean Johnson

As a beautiful bird only found in the wetlands of Asia, the black-faced spoonbill is magnificently captured in HD. Meet the dedicated individuals, around the world, who share the goal of protecting this endanger animal’s remaining habitats.

7:00 pm – Opening Remarks and Reception (Willamette Atrium)

7:45 pm – Nyonya’s Taste of Life*
Release: 2007 (78 min)
Genre: Feature Film
Director: Wen Chih-yi
*Discussion with filmmaker after the screening

The film looks into the lives of Indonesian and Thai workers who come to Taiwan expecting a better life. Just like the complex flavors of Nyonya’s cuisine, with a mixture of sour, spicy, and sweet – the film is filled with misunderstandings, conflicts, miscommunications, and the reconciliation (or un-reconciliation) between Taiwanese and their guest workers.

Thursday, October 21

5:45 pm – The Secret in the Satchel
Release: 2007 (51 min)
Genre: Documentary
Director: Lin Tay-jou

For 10 years, university professor Lin Tay-jou has read thousands of student journals, giving him insights into their turbulent lives. He invites three of his students to document their stories in this film. Each one has different traumas and disadvantages; however, it does not prevent them from becoming more mature in real life.

7:00 pm – Brief Reception (Willamette Atrium)

7:30 pm – Taipei 24H*
Release: 2009 (94 min)
Genre: Feature Film
Directors: Cheng Fen-fen, Niu Cheng-zer, Debbie Hsu, Cheng Hsiao-tse, Lee Chi Y., Chen Yin-jung, An Je-yi Lee Kang-sheng
*Discussion with Lee Kang-sheng after the screening

“Taipei 24H” divides 24 hours in Taipei into 8 shorts. It opens with Cheng Fen-fen’s upbeat and comedic Share the Morning, and ends with Lee Kang-sheng running the final leg of this relay with Remembrance at 4am. Well-known director Tsai Ming-liang makes a rare appearance visiting a late night coffee shop. In between is Cheng Hsiao-tse’s love story Saver the Lover’s and DJ Chen’s magical ride on Taiwan’s subway, Dream Walker. Taipei 24H is a contemporary urban chronicle of a vibrant city rarely at sleep.

Friday, October 22

7:00 pm – The Wave Breaker
Release: 2009 (86 min)
Genre: Feature Film
Director: Zero Chou

Hao-yang is a young man with motor neuron disease, a terminal disease that has paralyzed him. Passed down by his father, his brother refuses to take the test to see if he too has the disease. As his mother fights for a cure, Hao-yang begs his younger brother to bring him to the ocean, a place of happiness for him.

All events will be held in Willamette 110 and are free and open to the public.

This Film Festival is presented by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (San Francisco). For more information about the entire festival, please click here. Local sponsors include the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures and the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies.
For more information, please call (541) 346-1521.

Birds Without Borders – Black-faced Spoonbills
2009 Special Prize for Biodiversity, EARTH VISION, Japan
2009 Asian TV Awards, Singapore
2009 AIB International Media Excellence Awards, UK
2009 Natural TIFF, Japan
2009 International Festival of Ornithological Film, France
2009 Green Wave 21st Century European Environment Festival, Bulgaria
2009 Green Screen , International Nature Film Festival, Germany

Nyonya’s Taste of Life
2008 Golden Chest International Television Festival, Bulgaria
2008 International Women’s Film Festival in Seoul, Korea
2007 Best Single Drama/Best Actress/Best Director, Golden Bell Awards, Taiwan
2007 Women Make Waves Film, Taiwan

The Secret in the Satchel
2009 CINE Golden Eagle Award, U.S.A
2009 MOMA, Documentary Fortnight, U.S.A
2009 Asian Queer Film & Video Festival, Japan
2008 Golden Award, Shanghai TV Festival, China
2008 Golden Chest International Television Festival, Bulgaria
2008 INPUT, South Africa 2008 Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, Germany
2008 Beijing Independent Film Festival, China
2007 Pusan International Film Festival, Korea
2007 International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2007 International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights, Switzerland

Taipei 24H
2010 International Film Festival Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2010 San Francisco Int’l Asian American Film Festival, U.S.A.
2009 Best Feature Film, HDFEST, U.S.A.
2009 Official Selection, Taipei Film Festival, Taiwan
2009 Jury’s Special Prize, Seoul International Drama Awards, Korea
2009 Bronze Chest Prize, Golden Chest International TV Festival, Bulgaria
2009 Tokyo International Film Festival, Japan 2009 Pusan International Film Festival, Korea

Wave Breaker
2009 Women Make Waves Film, Taiwan

CAPS Working Group on South Asia


Anita Weiss, International Studies; Institutional Trustee to AIPS

South Asia Faculty
Shankha Chakraborty, Economics

Howard Davis, Architecture

Nil Deshpande, Physics

Jim Earl, English

Sangita Gopal, English

Veena Howard, Religious Studies

Lamia Karim, Anthropology

Mark Levy, Music

John Lukacs, Anthropology; Institutional Trustee to AIIS

Ken Liberman, Sociology

Randy McGowan, History

Nagesh Murthy, Decision Sciences

Eric Pederson, Linguistics

Bish Sen, Journalism and Communication

Norm Sundberg, Psychology

Sunil Khanna, Courtesy Appointment, Anthropology (Oregon State University)