Conference: Japanese and Korean Mediascapes: Youth, Popular Culture, and Nation

CAPS_Mediascapes_conferenceJapanese and Korean Mediascapes: Youth, Popular Culture, and Nation

Friday and Saturday, May 29-30, 2015
Gerlinger Alumni Lounge
The University of Oregon


This two-day event will explore the globalization of Japanese and Korean popular culture with an eye to major historical movements and media trends. Through case studies of television dramas, video games, popular music, comics, and other media, we will investigate how popular culture, especially trends among youth, has shaped world views, defined artistic genres, and altered commercial landscapes. We will question how this cultural exchange can soothe historical tensions and help lead to better political relations. This is one of the first conferences at the University of Oregon or elsewhere to examine Japanese and Korean popular culture together.

Sponsored by: The Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, and is cosponsored by the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Asian Studies Program, the National Resource Center for East Asian Studies, the Global Studies Institute, the Jeremiah Lecture Series Fund, the Myung Sup Lim Lecture Series Fund, the Department of Political Science, and the Cinema Studies Program.


Friday, May 29

9:15 am
Opening Remarks
Jeff hanes, Alisa Freedman, HyeRyoung Ok

9:30 am
Panel 1 — Visualizing History and Youth Movements
Moderator: Jeff Hanes
Presenters: Shunya Yoshimi (University of Tokyo); Shige (CJ) Suzuki (Baruch College, City University of New York)

11:00 am

11:15 am
Panel 2 — Trans/National Mediascapes, Gender, and Mobility
Moderator: Bish Sen
Presenters: Dal Yong Jin (Simon Fraser University); Dong Hoon Kim (University of Oregon); Alisa Freedman (University of Oregon)

1:15 pm

2:15 pm
Panel 3 — Pop Music and the Politics of Idols
Moderator: Loren Kajikawa
Presenters: Eun Young Jung (University of California, San Diego); Toby Slade (University of Tokyo)

3:45 pm

4:00 pm
Graduate Panel
Moderator: Michael Arnold, LeRon Harrison
Presenters: Emily Cole, Michelle Crowson, Akiko Hirao, John Moore, Stephen Murnion

5:30 pm

Saturday, May 30

10:00 am
Panel 4 — Games, Fans, and Social Play
Moderator: Julie Voelker-Morris
Presenters: Florence Chee (Loyola University Chicago); Kathryn Hemmann (George Mason University)

11:30 am
Coffee Break

11:45 am
Panel 5 — Fan Activism and Popular Culture
Moderator: Sangita Gopal
Presenters: Sharalyn Orbaugh (University of British Columbia); HyeRyoung Ok (University of Oregon)

1:15 pm
Lunch Break

2:15 pm
Closing Discussion


The City in South Asia and Its Transnational Connections

Asian Studies Conference on The City in South Asia and Its Transnational Connections

presented with the assistance of the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies (CAPS)

November 13-14, 2014 Knight Library Browsing Room, University of Oregon  

Thursday, November 13th, 2014

11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Keynote Lecture: Thomas Blom Hansen Reliance-Dhirubhai Ambani Professor in South Asian Studies and Professor in Anthropology, Stanford University Spatial Memory and Urban Imagination in South Asia

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Panel 1: Consumption, Class and Resistance in the City Chair: Bryna Goodman, Professor, Department of History, University of Oregon

Douglas Haynes, Professor, Dept. of History, Dartmouth College Beyond the Colonial City?  The Transformation of the European Community in Bombay, 1920-1947″

Abigail McGowan, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Vermont, Burlington Home Life as City Life:  The Urban Domestic in Interwar Western India

Jonathan Shapiro Anjaria, Assistant Professor,Department of Anthropology, Brandeis University Unruly Landscapes: Spatial Contestation in Early Twentieth Century Bombay”

Discussant: Sangita Gopal, Associate Professor, Department of English and Cinema Studies, University of Oregon

Friday November 14th 2014

10:00 am – 12:00 pm Panel 2: Urban Real Estate and Its Peripheries 

Chair: Andrew Verner, Director, Ph.D. Program, Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon

Matthew Hull, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor Cities and Property

Nikhil Rao, Associate Professor, Department of History, Wellesley College Approaching the Urban Edge: Changing Perceptions of Bombay’s Periphery

Asher Ghertner, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Rutgers University When is the State? Flux, Porosity and Exclusion in Delhi’s State Spaces

Discussant: Dan Buck, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Asian Studies, University of Oregon

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Panel 3: Urban Infrastructure and the City in History

Chair: Lamia Karim, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon

Tarini Bedi, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois at Chicago Mimicry, Friction and Trans-Urban Imaginaries: Mumbai Taxis/Singapore Style

Arafaat Valiani, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Oregon Entrepreneurship and Urban Land Markets in Postcolonial Mumbai and Karachi 

Douglas Haynes, Professor, Dept. of History, Dartmouth College & Nikhil Rao, Associate Professor, Department of History, Wesleyan College Beyond the Colonial City: Re-Evaluating the Urban History of India, 1920-1970

Discussant: Arafaat A. Valiani, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Oregon

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Roundtable Discussion and Concluding Remarks

Moderated by Arafaat A. Valiani, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Oregon Contact person: Lori O’Hollaren Assistant Director Center for Asian and Pacific Studies Email:

Sponsored by the following at the University of Oregon:

Center for Asian and Pacific Studies (CAPS)
Asian Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
Office of International Affairs
Academic Affairs
Oregon Humanities Council
Department of History
Department of Anthropology
Robert D. Clark Honors College
Planning, Public Policy and Management


China-in-Asia Conference: Historical Connections and Contemporary Engagement

China in Asia:
Historical Connections and
Contemporary Engagement

October 25 – 26, 2014
Gerlinger Lounge
University of Oregon

Hosted by the Center for Asia and Pacific Studies and the Department of Geography

Organizer: Dr. Xiaobo Su (

Conference Schedule

Saturday, October 25 


Opening remarks: Xiaobo Su and Amy Lobben, Head, Department of Geography


Plenary Address: Wendy Larson, University of Oregon
The Cross-Cultural Imaginary: Zhang Yimou and Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles

10:15am—10:30am Coffee Break


Session 1: Arts, History, and Geopolitics
Stan Brunn, University of Kentucky
China’s Visual Geopolitics: Branding, Stamps and Memories

Rachel Wong, Harvard University
Plekhanov in China: A Reception History of “Art and Social Life”

Krishnendra Meena, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Re-production of Geopolitical Spaces: the Case of Indo-Pacific

Jianxiong Ma (Chair)

12:00pm—1:00pm Lunch Break


Session 2: Transnational Business with Chinese Characteristics
Jason Petrulis, Oberlin College
Moving wigs through Kai Tak:Trading a global commodity in 1960s-70s Hong Kong

Laura Elder, St. Mary’s College Notre Dame
Prospecting for power by using Islamic Finance as a gateway into China

Andrew Hao, University of Pennsylvania
Who is Afraid of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility?: The Transnational Economics and Politics of Suspicion

Stan Brunn (Chair)

2:30pm—3:00pm Coffee Break


Session 3: Transnational Connections: The Past and the Present
Edy Parsons, Mount Mercy University
Changing Dynamics of Sino-Japanese Relations: Territorial Disputes and Regional Rivalry

Tuong Vu, University of Oregon
State Formation on China’s Southern Frontier: Vietnam as a Shadow Empire and Hegemon

Lena Dabova, Saint Petersburg State University
Tibet in China and India bilateral relations: historical and legal perspectives

Yuanfei Wang, University of Georgia
Capitalizing on Java: Emerging Imperialism, Historiography, and Vernacular Fiction in Late Ming China

Eric Vanden Bussche (Chair)


Sunday, October 26


Plenary address: Jianxiong Ma, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clustered Communities and Transportation Routes: The Wa Lands Neighboring the Lahu and the Dai on the Frontier

9:45am—10:00am Coffee Break


Session 4: Boundary and the Politics of Bordering
Eric Vanden Bussche, Stanford University
Adjusting the Tributary System in the Age of Imperialism: Crafting Qing China’s New Relationship with Burma and Southeast Asia” (1886-1910)

Nianshen Song, Vassar College
Boundaries of All under Heaven: Comparing Qing’s Demarcations with Korea, Russia, and Vietnam

Edy Parsons (Chair)

11:00am—11:15am Coffee Break


Session 5: The Geographic Expansion of Chinese Forces
Dylan Brady, University of Oregon
Chinese Rail: Producing National Territory from the Inside Out

Tom Ptak, University of Oregon
The Geopolitical Nature of Southwest China’s Energy Conduit, Yunnan Province

Xiaobo Su (Chair)

12:15pm-1:00pm Closing Discussion


This event is made possible with generous support from:

The Social Science Research Council
College of Arts and Sciences,University of Oregon
Center for Asia and Pacific Studies, University of Oregon
Department of Geography, University of Oregon
Office of International Affairs, University of Oregon


UO Delegation Leads Faculty Development Event in Japan

UO Delegation Leads Faculty Development Event in Japan

A five-person delegation from the University of Oregon led a two-day faculty development workshop at Nagoya University March 16-17, 2013. The Japanese Ministry of Education’s Global 30 initiative sponsored the program. Launched in 2008, this high-profile initiative aims to internationalize Japanese higher education by creating new English-language degree programs, recruiting international students, and providing opportunities for Japanese students to study abroad. UO’s Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, which facilitated three earlier G-30 faculty development workshops at the University of Oregon, provided the planning and logistical support for the team that took this pioneering workshop on the road. Remarking on the success of the workshop, CAPS Director Jeff Hanes notes: “The UO faculty development team brought their energy and expertise to the steep pedagogical challenges facing Japan’s signature program for the internationalization of higher education—and made a significant impact.”

Oregon’s team worked with 40 Japanese and international faculty members from eight Japanese universities to improve their English presentation skills and learn about evidence-based best teaching practices, focusing particularly on making the classroom more interactive. Lee Rumbarger, Director of the Teaching Effectiveness Program (TEP); Trish Pashby, Senior Instructor at the American English Institute (AEI); Georgeanne Cooper, Former Director of the Teaching Effectiveness Program, and Elly Vandegrift, Associate Director of the Science Literacy Program (UO-SLP) co-facilitated the workshop. Highlighting the international nature of the G-30 initiative, the faculty participants were from 15 nations. CAPS Director Jeff Hanes accompanied the team, providing on-the-ground logistical support for the program. CAPS Assistant Director Lori O’Hollaren supervised planning of the operation, and East Asia Coordinator, Yifang Zhang, worked with organizers at Nagoya University to fine tune workshop organization and logistics.

The workshop weekend included small- and large-group sessions like “Interactive Lecture Techniques,” “Teaching in English,” “Teaching to a Diverse Student Audience,” “Learning Objectives and Backward Design,” and “The External Brain.” Each participant delivered a 10-minute mini-lecture in their fields of expertise incorporating interactive lecture techniques. The UO facilitators have expertise in each of these areas and offer training opportunities to graduate students and faculty at the UO on these topics.

During a closing discussion, participants articulated ideas from the workshop they planned to experiment with to incorporate big- and small-scale revisions in their own courses, such as incorporating midterm course evaluations, “minute-papers,” i-clickers, in-class demonstrations and a range of peer learning activities.

G-30 faculty members expressed satisfaction with the workshop and excitement about returning to their teaching with new ideas and drawing form the group’s collective energy. Some of the participants’ observations in a follow-up survey include:

“[I]nteractive, practical and encouraging atmosphere throughout session…I really liked being a student of very good teachers.”

“It was most stimulating to lean the importance of affirmative attitude to students. Interactive teaching is rare in the Japanese classes and most of the lectures including mine tend to be unidirectional. Teaching by questioning was a refreshing idea to me. Although I knew the importance of interaction in the class, I was not practical enough. Your lectures gave me lots of useful hints. I also liked the international atmosphere in the class thanks to many non Japanese participants.”

“The workshop was very impressive and helpful.  Until now, I thought that university lectures were an opportunity to obtain knowledge written in a textbook through well-summarized teacher’s notes.  Through the workshop, however, I could learn that a good lecture should be interactive, well organized, informative, and enjoyable.  The teachers from University of Oregon showed me attractive lectures not only by clear speech, motions and good materials but also by kind answers to any questions.  I deeply appreciate their efforts and passions.”

UO’s faculty development relationship with this group began in 2010 when CAPS paired TEP and AEI with administrators and faculty from Nagoya University looking to improve teaching on their campus. Over the past three years, 18 Nagoya University faculty and administrators have participated in multiday training programs on the University of Oregon campus. The March 2013 program was the first time that faculty from TEP, AEI, UO-SLP, and CAPS have been invited to Nagoya University to facilitate a workshop on that campus.

CAPS awarded $100K grant for student internships in Asia

UO awarded $100K grant for student internships in Asia
Funding from the Freeman Foundation will support a range of internships in East and Southeast Asia.

EUGENE, Ore. — The UO Center for Asian and Pacific Studies has received nearly $100,000 from the Freeman Foundation to support internship opportunities in Asia for UO students.  The Freeman Foundation invited approximately 60 U.S. colleges and universities to apply to this new grant program and funded 11 successful proposals.

The Freeman Foundation program seeks to expand opportunities for U.S. students to work overseas as part of their undergraduate and graduate studies.  The grants aim to deepen the capacity of select institutions to provide financial assistance to student interns and to encourage alumni to assist in the placement of interns.  By awarding modest stipends to students with financial need, the UO will be able to offer more qualified students the opportunities for professional experience abroad.

“This timely award builds on two previous grants from the Freeman Foundation over the past decade that have enabled 75 UO students to study in Asia,” explained Jeffrey Hanes, director of the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies.  “With this new grant to support student internships specifically, we extend the range of overseas opportunities available to our talented students, offering highly qualified interns with much-needed financial support.”

The grant will provide living stipends and/or travel funds to students participating in the Oregon University System’s International Education, Experience, and Employment (IE3) programs, as well as other UO internship programs managed independently by individual faculty, departments, and academic programs.

“This latest grant from the Freeman Foundation is testimony to the UO’s leadership in Asian Studies, and to the remarkable efforts by the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies to build a wide and accessible bridge to Asia for all UO students,” said Dennis Galvan, vice provost for International Affairs at the UO.

More information about the grant and application procedures will be available soon on the CAPS website.

Masterworks of Ancient China – Sept 22, 2012


Saturday, September 22, 1 p.m., Whitsell Auditorium

Join us as leading American experts unravel the mysteries surrounding these spectacular exemplars of ancient Chinese art by exploring the archaeological and historical contexts in which they were created.

Strange Beasts from the Aristocratic Tombs of Chu
Cortney Chaffin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Art History, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Money Trees of the Han Dynasty
Susan Erickson, Ph.D.
Professor of Humanities, University of Michigan-Dearborn

Panel Discussion
Kenneth Brashier, Ph.D., Moderator
Professor of Religion and Chinese Studies, Reed College, Portland

The conference is free for Museum members or with Museum admission. Seating is limited. Advance tickets are recommended and available online or on site.

The Masterworks of Ancient Chinese Art conference is made possible in part by
The Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation and Delta Airlines.

Image caption: Zhenmushou (Two-headed tomb guardian), China, Chu culture, 4th–3rd century BCE, Wood, antlers, and lacquer, Portland Art Museum, The Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Collection of Early Chinese Art.

Classical Music of North India – April 15, 2012

University of Oregon School of Music & Dance – World Music Series

Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the birth of Ali Akbar Khan

Aashish Khan, sarod
Pranesh Khan, tabla


Tickets:  $12 General Admission, $8 Students & Seniors.  Available from the UO Ticket Office (541-346-4363;, or at the door.

For more information, contact Mark Levy at 541-346-2852 or

Co-sponsor:  Oregon Humanities Center’s Endowment for Public Outreach in the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities

Aashish and Pranesh Khan are the sons of the legendary Ustad Ali Akbar Khan (April 14, 1922 – June 18, 2009). Aashish, a faculty member at the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, is a master of the sarod, a plucked lute, which he learned from his illustrious grandfather (also the teacher of Ravi Shankar) Baba Allauddin Khan. Since the 1950s Aashish has performed throughout India and the world, and is considered to be one of the most distinguished musicians of the Seniya Beenkar and Seniya Rababiya Gharana music lineages. With Pandit Ravi Shankar, he has worked on many musical projects, including the films of Satyajit Ray, Sir Richard Attenborough’s “Gandhi,” and David Lean’s “A Passage to India.” Aashish has also collaborated with musicians such as George Harrison, Ringo Starr, and Eric Clapton. Aashish will be accompanied by his younger brother Pranesh Khan on the tabla. Pranesh was also initiated into music by his grandfather, and has had the honor of studying with acclaimed tabla masters Pandit Shankar Ghosh, Ustad Alla Rakha, Ustad Zakir Hussain, and Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri.